Why In-Home Pet Care?

You don't have to worry about how your pet is going to behave in the clinic setting – barking, pulling at the end of a leash, hissing, biting, and scratching!
If you're worried about having to lift your immobile dog into the car, or stuffing your cat in a carrier, you don't have too! IN-HOME pet care give owners like you peace of mind by providing quality care for your pet right in the comfort of their own home.

Meet Dr. Jennifer Stewart
Hi, I'm Dr. Jen. I love bonding with our clients and their pets! Providing quality care, and helping our patients and families through challenging illnesses is rewarding and sometimes heartbreaking, but the relationship we develop with these families is so important that I feel I will never retire!

Much like people with neurologic or orthopedic injury, animals need pain management and supervised treatments and exercises to get them back to normal or near normal function. We utilize therapeutic laser, acupuncture, and ultrasound therapy for muscle care to get critters active and comfortable again!
Alleviating stress, pain and attending to a patients needs as they advance to an inevitable end is an important task for our crew. Keeping their appetite and feeding their souls, as well as that of their parents, is incredibly important to us. This service may mean nutrition counseling, advanced and alternative pain techniques, and advanced planning for end of life.
A decision to put a treasured pet to sleep is not an easy one. We help provide profound pain relief and sedation to alleviate anxiety leading up to the final intravenous injection. When owners are involved in the decision, including the location in the home or outside of the home (it can be at a favorite hiking location, etc), they gain comfort in observing the pet finally at peace even though it is still tragic.